ADM2025 - Call for Special Sessions
The Department of Mechanical, Energy, Management and Transportation Engineering of the Università degli Studi di Genova and ADM - Associazione Nazionale Disegno e Metodi dell'Ingegneria Industriale - are pleased to announce the opening of the Call for Special Sessions for the ADM2025 International Conference, which will be held in Genova from September 3rd to 5th, 2025.
Special Sessions may address one or more Conference Topics but should be organized under a unified theme. These sessions are intended to provide an opportunity for projects or groups of authors to present their work.
Special Sessions may include invited speakers in addition to papers. Proposers are responsible for defining the full content of the Special Session. Open calls for papers are not expected for Special Sessions to abstract authors or presenters.
Moreover, Special Session organizers should manage the review process for proposed papers, and at least 5 papers should be included in each session. Proposers should provide details on the Title, Motivation, Background, and Structure of the session. The Organizing Committee, together with the Scientific Committee, will evaluate the submitted proposals and inform proposers of acceptance or rejection.
Please note that if the number of papers proposed for an accepted Special Session is insufficient, those papers will be included in the standard Conference Tracks.
Further information and the main topics of the conference: