Renno Fabrizio

Professore Associato

Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Sito istituzionale
SCOPUS ID: 26428457000
Orcid: 0000-0002-2529-4434

Pubblicazioni scientifiche

[1] Romanelli F., Abate D., Acampora E., Agguiaro D., Agnello R., Agostinetti P., Agostini M., Aimetta A., Albanese R., Alberti G., Albino M., Alessi E., Almaviva S., Alonzo M., Ambrosino R., Andreoli P., Angelone M., Angelucci M., Angioni C., Angrisani Armenio A., Antonini P., Aprile D., Apruzzese G., Aquilini M., Aragone G., Arena P., Ariola M., Artaserse G., Aucone L, Divertor Tokamak Test facility project: status of design and implementation, Nuclear Fusion, 64(11), (2024). Abstract

Abstract: An overview is presented of the progress since 2021 in the construction and scientific programme preparation of the Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT) facility. Licensing for building construction has been granted at the end of 2021. Licensing for Cat. A radiologic source has been also granted in 2022. The construction of the toroidal field magnet system is progressing. The prototype of the 170 GHz gyrotron has been produced and it is now under test on the FALCON facility. The design of the vacuum vessel, the poloidal field coils and the civil infrastructures has been completed. The shape of the first DTT divertor has been agreed with EUROfusion to test different plasma and exhaust scenarios: single null, double null, X-divertor and negative triangularity plasmas. A detailed research plan is being elaborated with the involvement of the EUROfusion laboratories.

Keywords: divertor | exhaust | plasma scenarios

[2] Adriani O., Alemanno F., Altomare C., Ambrosi G., Antonelli M., Bai X.H., Bai Y.L., Bao T.W., Barbanera M., Barbato F.C.T., Bernard F., Bernardini P., Berti E., Bertucci B., Betti P., Bi X.J., Bigongiari G., Blanch O., Boix J., Bongi M., Bonvicini V., Bottai S., Brogi P., Brugnoni C., Cadoux F., Cagnoli I., Cai H.Y., Campana D., Cao W.W., Cardiel-Sas L., Casaus J., Casilli E., The scintillating-fiber tracker (FIT) of the HERD space mission from design to performance, Proceedings of Science, 444, (2024). Abstract

Abstract: The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection facility (HERD) will be a calorimetric experiment on board the China Space Station. Starting from 2027, HERD will perform the first direct measurement of cosmic rays in the PeV region and the gamma-ray full-sky survey from 100 MeV. The detector will be equipped with a scintillating-fiber tracker (FIT) read out with silicon photomultipliers. A miniature of a FIT sector, called MiniFIT, was designed, built and tested with particle beams at CERN. The FIT design, together with the design and physics performance of MiniFIT will be presented in this contribution.

[3] Renno F., Papa S., Polichetti R., Coccorese D., d’Angelo R., Grasso C., Tarallo A., Lanzotti A. Development of a Parametric Scene Editor of Serious Games for Safety in Workplaces, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 1448-1459, (2023). Abstract

Abstract: This work is focused on the development of a “serious game”, i.e., a software with no playful purpose adopted to train and verify the skills of users to improve safety in the workplace. Particular attention has been given to the accidents that occur during typical operations done in factory sites, e.g., driving forklifts. Firstly, the different types of “serious games” already available on the market have been analyzed to identify the best way to carry on tests and simulations by means of virtual, mixed, and augmented reality. Afterward, once the best solution has been identified, the Unity development environment has been considered to define a standard that could also be used for future projects. So, the result is the development of a powerful editor of the scene, in which the user can program all the components adjusting the game to the tasks to be performed by the worker, the tools, the environment and the targets. So, an upgradeable “parametric path” has been created, which will be followed by the forklift, realizing a new game and test environment for the worker. Then, modular components have been conceived to contemplate the future developments of the project, including a graphic editor: these will lead to a software that can be easily modified according to the customer’s requests.

Keywords: Occupational safety | Serious games | Virtual reality

[4] Barbato F.C.T., Abba A., Anastasio A., Barbarino G., Boiano A., De Mitri I., Di Giovanni A., Ferrentino L., Garufi F., Guida R., Papa S., Renno F., Vanzanella A., Wu L., CRYSTAL EYE: A new X and gamma ray all-sky-monitor for space missions, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1049, (2023). Abstract

Abstract: The CRYSTAL EYE detector is proposed as a space-based X and gamma ray all-sky monitor to be active from 10 keV up to 30 MeV. In its full scale configuration, it consists in a 40 cm diameter hemisphere, made by 112 pixels, with an overall weight lower than 50 kg, wide Field Of View (FOV, about 6 sr), full sky coverage and very large effective area (about 6 times higher than Fermi-GBM at 1 MeV) in the energy range of interest. Each pixel consists of two layers of scintillating LYSO crystals, read out by arrays of Silicon PhotoMultipliers (SiPMs), equipped with a segmented anticoincidence detector for charged Cosmic Ray (CR) identification and hard X-ray detection. The primary scientific goals include the observation of transient X and gamma flashes from Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs), Gravitational Wave (GW) follow up, Supernovae (SN) explosions, etc. and stable gamma-ray source observation in the MeV energy range. The pioneering design optimizes these observations in terms of localization of the source and timing. By using specific triggers for charged particles, solar flares and space weather phenomena could also be studied. A pathfinder mission is foreseen onboard of the Space Rider vehicle run by European Space Agency (ESA), allowing technology tests, qualification and both deep space and Earth observation during the mission. We here present the CRYSTAL EYE technology.

Keywords: Citiroc | Gamma ray bursts | LYSO | SiPM | Space detectors

[5] Renno F., Papa S., Marzullo D., Barbato F.C.T., Barbarino G., Virtual Prototyping and FEM Analysis of the Crystal Eye Detector, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 668-674, (2022). Abstract

Abstract: The main aim of this article is to describe the design of a new sensor to study the electromagnetic field portions of gravitational waves. On August 17, 2017, the observation of the gravitational wave event started the era of multi-messenger astronomy. Therefore, new tools and optimal synchronization of the available telescopes are needed. The sensor that is designed is a cross-cutting technology, it is named Crystal Eye: a wide field of view in the energy field from 10 keV to 10 meV with a structure made of pixels. As the detector will be involved in the mission in 2023, the virtual prototype phase needed for optimization and production of the payload has been completed. Particular attention was paid to the results of the FEM analysis carried out to examine and predict the thermal and vibration behavior of the conceived mock-up during the launch phase and under strong temperature variations in the space environment.

Keywords: Detector | FEM | Vibration and thermal analysis | Virtual prototyping

[6] Barbato F., Abba A., Anastasio A., Barbarino G., Boiano A., de Asmundis R., De Mitri I., Ferrentino L., Garufi F., Guarino F., Guida R., Papa S., Renno F., Vanzanella A., The Crystal Eye X and gamma ray detector for space missions, Proceedings of Science, 395, (2022). Abstract

Abstract: Crystal Eye is a new concept of all sky monitor for the observation of 10keV-30MeV cosmic photons exploiting a new detection technique, which foresees enhanced localization capability with respect to current instruments. This is now possible thanks to the use of new materials and sensors. The proposed detection module is designed to be easily installed either on free flyer satellites or onboard space stations. Science goals include Gamma Ray Bursts, electromagnetic counterpart of Gravitational Wave emissions, Active Galactic Nuclei and line emission from supernova explosions observations. A Crystal Eye pathfinder, made by 4 pixels, has been set up to fly aboard of the Space RIDER, an uncrewed reusable orbital spaceplane aiming to provide the European Space Agency (ESA) with affordable and routine access to space. The mission will follow a LEO orbit (400 km, 5.3° of inclination) for two months then it will come back at the base. We here present the Crystal Eye detection method and characteristics and the first characterization of the pathfinder.

Keywords: Cosmology | Eye protection | Gamma rays | Gravity waves

[7] Adriani O., Alemanno F., Aloisio R., Altomare C., Ambrosi G., An Q., Antonelli M., Azzarello P., Bai L., Bai Y.L., Bao T.W., Barbanera M., Barbato F.C.T., Bernardini P., Berti E., Bertucci B., Bi X.J., Bigongiari G., Bongi M., Bonvicini V., Bordas P., Bosch-Ramon V., Bottai S., Brogi P., Cadoux F., Campana D., Cao W.W., Cao Z., Casaus J., Catanzani E., Cattaneo P.W., Gamma-ray performance study of the HERD payload, Proceedings of Science, 395, (2022). Abstract

Abstract: The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility has been proposed as a space astronomy payload onboard the future China's Space Station. HERD is planned for operation starting around 2027 for about 10 years In addition to the unprecedented sensitivity for dark matter searches and cosmic-ray measurements up to the knee energy, it should perform gamma-ray monitoring and full sky survey from few hundred MeV up to tens of TeV. We present the first study of the HERD gamma-ray performance obtained with full simulations of the whole detector geometry. HERD will be a cubic detector composed with 5 active faces. We present a study conducted inside the HERD analysis software package, which includes a detailed description of the detector materials. In this work we present the HERD effective area, the point spread function and the resulting gamma-ray sensitivity.

Keywords: Cosmology | Gamma rays | Optical transfer function | Space stations

[8] Perrina C., Azzarello P., Cadoux F., Favre Y., Frieden J.M., La Marra D., Sukhonos D., Wu X., Adriani O., Alemanno F., Aloisio R., Altomare C., Ambrosi G., An Q., Antonelli M., Azzarello P., Bai L., Bai Y.L., Bao T.W., Barbanera M., Barbato F.C.T., Bernardini P., Berti E., Bertucci B., Bi X.J., Bigongiari G., Bongi M., Bonvicini V., Bordas P., Bosch-Ramon V., Bottai S., FIT: the scintillating fiber tracker of the HERD space mission, Proceedings of Science, 395, (2022). Abstract

Abstract: The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility is a space payload proposed to be installed onboard the China’s Space Station (CSS). The aims of HERD are the indirect detection of dark matter, the direct detection of cosmic rays towards the “knee” of the spectrum (∼ 1 PeV) and the monitoring of the full gamma-ray sky from 100 MeV. The HERD core is a calorimeter capable of accepting particles incident on its top and four lateral sides, each equipped with a sector of the scintillating fiber tracker: FIT. The FIT sectors host 7 tracking planes made of modules. The module, composed of a fiber mat and three arrays of silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs), is the elementary brick of FIT. Several FIT modules have been built and tested with particle beams at CERN. A FIT demonstrator, made of two partially instrumented tracking planes, has been assembled and sent through vibration tests. The results of the performed tests as well as the current design of FIT are presented in this contribution.

Keywords: Cosmology | Gamma rays | Scintillation | Space stations

[9] Velasco M.A., Bao T., Berti E., Bonvicini V., Casaus J., Giovacchini F., Liu X., Marco R., Marín J., Martínez G., Mori N., Oliva A., Pacini L., Quan Z., Tang Z., Xu M., Zampa G., Zampa N., Adriani O., Alemanno F., Aloisio R., Altomare C., Ambrosi G., An Q., Antonelli M., Azzarello P., Bai L., Bai Y.L., Bao T.W., Barbanera M., Barbato F.C.T., Bernardini P., Bertucci B., Bi X.J., The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detector (HERD) Trigger System, Proceedings of Science, 395, (2022). Abstract

Abstract: The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility is a next generation spaceborne detector to be installed onboard the Chinese Space Station for about 10 years. HERD will address major problems in fundamental physics and astrophysics, providing precise measurements of charged-cosmic rays up to PeV energies, performing indirect searches for dark matter in the electron spectrum up to few tens of TeV and monitoring the gamma-ray skymap for surveys and transient searches. HERD is composed of a 3D imaging calorimeter (CALO) surrounded by a scintillating fiber tracker (FIT), a plastic scintillator detector (PSD) and a silicon charge detector (SCD). In addition, a transition radiation detector (TRD) is placed on a lateral side to provide accurate energy calibration. Based on this innovative design, the effective geometric factor of HERD will be one order of magnitud larger than that of current space-based detectors. The HERD trigger strategy is designed to accomplish the scientific goals of the mission, and is based on trigger definitions that rely on the energy deposited in CALO and the PSD. The trigger performances are evaluated using a detailed Monte Carlo simulation that includes the latest HERD geometry. In addition, alternative trigger definitions based on the event topology can be established thanks to the photodiode readout of CALO crystals. The feasibility of these topological triggers is also investigated and presented.

Keywords: Cosmology | Gamma rays | Intelligent systems | Monte Carlo methods | Space stations | Tellurium compounds | Topology

[10] Pacini L., Adriani O., Bai Y.-L., Bao T.-W., Berti E., Bottai S., Cao W.-W., Casaus J., Cui X.-Z., D’Alessandro R., Formato V., Gao J.-R., Li R., Liu X., Lorusso L., Lyu L.-W., Marin J., Martinez G., Pizzolotto C., Qin J.-J., Quan Z., Shi D.-L., Starodubtsev O., Tang Z.-C., Tiberio A., Vagelli V., Velasco M.A., Wang B., Wang R.-J., Wang Z.-G., Xu M., Yang Y., Zhang L., Design and expected performances of the large acceptance calorimeter for the HERD space mission, Proceedings of Science, 395, (2022). Abstract

Abstract: The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) is a future space experiment which will be installed on the China’s Space Station around 2027. The main goal of the experiment is the measurement of cosmic rays up to energies which are not explored by the instruments currently operating in space, in particular protons with energies up to PeV, nuclei up to hundreds of TeV per nucleon and electrons up to tens of TeV. HERD will consist of silicon charge detectors, anti-coincidence scintillators, scintillating fiber trackers, a transition radiation detector and a calorimeter. The latter is a homogeneous, deep, 3D segmented calorimeter made of about 7500 LYSO cubic crystals: thanks to this innovative design, it will achieve large acceptance, good energy resolution and excellent electron/proton discrimination. In order to increase both energy calibration capabilities and redundancy of the instrument, the LYSO scintillation light will be read-out by two independent systems: the first is made of wave-length shifting fibers coupled with imaged intensified CMOS cameras, and the second one consists of photodiodes with different active areas connected to a custom front-end electronics. Both read-out systems are designed to have a large dynamic range, up to 107, and a low power consumption. The design of the calorimeter is validated by several Monte Carlo simulations and beam test results obtained with detector prototypes. In this paper we describe the anticipated performances of the calorimeter and the current status of the double read-out system, and we discuss the recent developments of both the HERD prototype and the flight model design.

Keywords: Cosmic rays | Cosmology | Intelligent systems | Monte Carlo methods | Scintillation counters | Silicon detectors | Space stations

[11] Kyratzis D., Alemanno F., Altomare C., Barbato F.C.T., Bernardini P., Cattaneo P.W., De Mitri I., de Palma F., Di Venere L., Di Santo M., Fusco P., Gargano F., Loparco F., Loporchio S., Marsella G., Mazziotta M.N., Pantaleo F.R., Parenti A., Pillera R., Rappoldi A., Raselli G., Rossella M., Serini D., Silveri L., Surdo A., Wu L., Adriani O., Aloisio R., Ambrosi G., An Q., The Plastic Scintillator Detector of the HERD space mission, Proceedings of Science, 395, (2022). Abstract

Abstract: The High Energy cosmic-Radiation (HERD) detector is one of the prominent space-borne instruments to be installed on-board the Chinese Space Station (CSS), around 2027. Primary scientific goals regarding this initiative include: precise measurements of cosmic ray (CR) energy spectra and mass composition, at energies up to the PeV range; contributions to high energy gamma-ray astronomy and transient studies; as well as indirect searches for Dark Matter (DM) particles via their possible annihilation/decay to detectable products. HERD is configured to accept incident particles from both its top and four lateral sides. Owing to its pioneering design, an order of magnitude increase in acceptance is foreseen, with respect to previous and ongoing experiments. The Plastic Scintillator Detector (PSD) constitutes an important sub-detector of HERD, particularly aimed towards anti-coincidence (discriminating incident photons from charged particles), while providing precise charge measurement of incoming cosmic-ray nuclei in a range of Z = 1-26. Main requirements concerning its design, include: high detection efficiency, broad dynamic range and good energy resolution. In order to select the optimal layout, two geometries are currently under investigation: one based on long scintillator bars and the other on square tiles, with both layouts being readout by Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs). Ongoing activities and future plans regarding the HERD PSD will be presented in this work.

Keywords: Charged particles | Cosmology | Gamma rays | Scintillation counters | Space stations

[12] Barbato F., Abba A., Anastasio A., Barbarino G., Boiano A., de Asmundis R., De Mitri I., Ferrentino L., Garufi F., Guarino F., Guida R., Papa S., Renno F., Vanzanella A., The Crystal Eye X and gamma ray detector for space missions, Proceedings of Science, 395, (2022). Abstract

Abstract: Crystal Eye is a new concept of all sky monitor for the observation of 10keV-30MeV cosmic photons exploiting a new detection technique, which foresees enhanced localization capability with respect to current instruments. This is now possible thanks to the use of new materials and sensors. The proposed detection module is designed to be easily installed either on free flyer satellites or onboard space stations. Science goals include Gamma Ray Bursts, electromagnetic counterpart of Gravitational Wave emissions, Active Galactic Nuclei and line emission from supernova explosions observations. A Crystal Eye pathfinder, made by 4 pixels, has been set up to fly aboard of the Space RIDER, an uncrewed reusable orbital spaceplane aiming to provide the European Space Agency (ESA) with affordable and routine access to space. The mission will follow a LEO orbit (400 km, 5.3° of inclination) for two months then it will come back at the base. We here present the Crystal Eye detection method and characteristics and the first characterization of the pathfinder.

Keywords: Cosmology | Eye protection | Gamma rays | Gravity waves

[13] Renno F., Barbato F., Barbarino G., Marzullo D., Guida R., Papa S., Systems Engineering approach for the concept design of the Crystal Eye detector, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 15(1), 81-84, (2021). Abstract

Abstract: Main targets of this activity research are the making and the optimization of new detectors by means of the Systems Engineering methods. With the observation of the gravitational wave event of August 17th, 2017 and then with those of the extragalactic neutrino of September 22nd, the Multimessenger Astrophysics era began. It is a new way of exploring the Universe, powered by globally coordinated observations of several experiments. So, new X and gamma rays’ detectors solutions are needed in order to provide competitive results in the energy range 10 keV–10 meV. Here is briefly described how the Systems Engineering can improve the development of the proposal of a new technique: The Crystal Eye, a wide field of view detector with a good spatial resolution obtained thanks to a high pixelation.

Keywords: Astrophysics | Crystal Eye | Detectors | Optimization | Systems Engineering

[14] Barbato F.C.T., Barbarino G., Boiano A., Vanzanella A., Garufi F., Guarino F., Renno F., Papa S., Guida R., Di Capua F., Preliminary results of the pixel characterization for the crystal eye, a new X and γ-ray satellite detector for multi-messenger astronomy, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11444, (2020). Abstract

Abstract: With the observation of the gravitational wave event of August 17th 2017 the multi-messenger astronomy era has definitely begun. With the opening of this new panorama, it is necessary to have new instruments and a perfect coordination of the existing observatories. Crystal Eye is a detector aimed at the exploration of the electromagnetic counterpart of the gravitational waves. Such events generated by neutron stars' mergers are associated with gamma-ray bursts (GRB). At present, there are few instruments in orbit able to detect photons in the energy range going from tens of keV to few MeV. These instruments belong to two different old observation concepts: the all sky monitors (ASM) and the telescopes. The detector we propose is a crossover technology, the Crystal Eye: a wide field of view observatory in the energy range from 10 keV to 10 MeV with a pixelated structure. A pathfinder will be launched with Space RIDER in 2022. We here present the preliminary results of the characterization of the first pixel.

Keywords: Crystal Eye | Gamma-ray detector | GRB | LYSO | Multi-messenger astronomy | X-ray detector

[15] Renno F., Barbato F., Barbarino G., Guarino F., Guida R., Papa S., AHP and multi-voting approaches for conceptual design of new detectors: The crystal eye case study, Engineering Letters, 28(2), 470-476, (2020). Abstract

Abstract: Main target of this paper is to describe the conceptual design and the virtual prototyping phases of a new detector, named Crystal Eye, aimed at the exploration of the electromagnetic counterpart of the gravitational wave events. Such events generated by neutron stars collision (or mergers) are associated with γ-ray bursts. With its characteristics, Crystal Eye will provide the continuous exploration and monitoring of the Universe after a Gravitational Wave event with a better resolution than that of other detectors such as the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM). Thanks to its large field of view and its design, it has the potentiality to be the trigger for those present X-ray astronomy missions (Chandra, Swift, Integral XMM Newton) that are based on high angular resolution pointing experiment but that have unfortunately a very small field of view. An intense brainstorming phase, involving a team of physicians and engineers for the generation of concepts, started the design process. So, many preliminary sketches and CAD models were realized to well identify the main requirements of the new detector. Afterwards, considering the features and the constraints of the project, a refinement of the possible solutions among all the alternatives thought was performed, and three virtual prototypes were selected according to the Multi-Voting Method. Lastly, the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) Multi Criteria decision making approach was considered to designate the best concept.

Keywords: AHP | Concept Design | Detector | Gravitational Wave | Mechanical Design | Multi-Voting method | X-rays

[16] Lanzotti A., Calise M., Molaro M., Papa S., Patalano S., Renno F., ‘Federica’s MOOC’ (Massive Open Online Course): a blended course in engineering drawing at Federico II, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 13(3), 1115-1128, (2019). Abstract

Abstract: The key findings about the use of a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) at University of Naples Federico II are shown. In particular, the Engineering Drawing course for Industrial Engineering students was the pilot to evaluate the benefits of new Web-Based Platforms and Environments in higher education. The combination of In-Class and On-Line lessons is defined “Blended Course” and can be attended by students both in traditional classrooms and On-Line. It was provided during the last four academic years allowing the use of new tools (e.g., multimedia contents, interactive files). Thanks to about 7000 students involved in this project, several data were gathered for statistics and analysis purposes. Therefore, the access to the MOOC was monitored and the correlation with the homework was examined. At the end of the course, the level of satisfaction of the students about the interaction with the new platform was evaluated. The analysis of the results provided useful hints for the updating of the course in order to improve skills and interactive experience.

Keywords: Distant learning | eLearning | Engineering design education | Interactive learning

[17] Barbato F.C.T., Barbarino G., Boiano A., De Asmundis R., Garufi F., Guarino F., Guida R., Renno F., Vanzanella A., Crystal Eye: A wide sight on the Universe looking for the electromagnetic counterpart of gravitational waves, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11118, (2019). Abstract

Abstract: With the observation of the gravitational wave event of August 17th 2017 and then with those of the extragalactic neutrino of September 22nd, the multi messenger astronomy era has definitely begun. With the opening of this new panorama, it is necessary to have a perfect coordination of the several observatories. Crystal Eye is an experiment aimed at the exploration of the electromagnetic counterpart of the gravitational wave events, that represent the missing observational link between short -ray bursts and gravitational waves from neutron star mergers. The experiment we propose is a wide field of view observatory. The Crystal Eye objectives will be: To alert the community about events containing soft X-ray and low energy -ray, to monitor long-Term variabilities of X-ray sources, to stimulate multi-wavelength observations of variable objects, and to observe diffuse cosmic soft X-ray emissions.

Keywords: gamma ray burst | gravitational waves | LYSO | multimessenger | SiPM array

[18] Renno F., Lanzotti A., Papa S., A statistical approach to simulate instances of archeological findings fragments, Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems, 13(1), 46-64, (2019). Abstract

Abstract: First aim of this paper is to describe a methodology developed to create virtual fragments of archeological archetypes in CAD (Computer Aided Design) environment. A simple Reverse Engineering (RE) technique was adopted to reconstruct the shape of vases allowing the archeologists, and so the CAD inexpert personnel, to use it. Moreover, another relevant aspect is the definition of a procedure to simulate shape errors on the virtual prototypes to make more realistic the results. The characteristics of the fragments to be reproduced were selected by means of Design of Experiment (DOE) techniques. So, an algorithm was implemented to simulate the shape error, related to the working operations, that represents the typical noise for the feature recognition of archeological findings. Furthermore, this algorithm can make more complex the hypotheses related to the Gaussian model of simulation of the error and can adapt the value of the shape error (i.e. increasing it) according to the data gathered in archaeological excavation. The case study was based on the definition of a catalogue of archetypes of the black Campanian vases studied and classified by the archeologist J.P. Morel. The procedure conceived was applied to five (among one hundred) vases of the virtual catalogue obtaining forty instances of fragments affected by errors and so creating virtual mock-ups of typical pieces which may be found in the archeological site considered for the case study.

Keywords: Archetype | Design of experiments | Geometric modeling | Profile reconstruction | Simulation of the shape and recognition errors

[19] Lanzotti A., Carbone F., Grazioso S., Renno F., Staiano M., A new interactive design approach for concept selection based on expert opinion, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 12(4), 1189-1199, (2018). Abstract

Abstract: Effective identification of the optimal design in the early stages of product development is critical in order to obtain the best chances of eventual customer satisfaction. Currently, the advancements in prototyping techniques offer unique chances to evaluate the features of different design candidates by means of product experts acting as assessors and/or customers enrolled as testers. In this paper, the candidate identification using virtual and physical prototypes is described and a practical fuzzy approach toward the evaluation of the optimal design is presented. The proposed methodology is tested on a full case study, namely the choice of optimal design for the traditional Neapolitan coffeemaker, inspired by the prototypes of the Italian designer Riccardo Dalisi. Several concepts are developed in a virtual environment and four alternatives among them are realized using Additive Manufacturing. By allowing experts to interact with virtual and physical prototypes, they were able to express their opinion on a custom fuzzy evaluation scale (i.e. they were freely choosing more or less coarse linguistic scales as well as the related shapes of fuzzy sets to adequately represent the level of fuzziness of their judgments). Once the opinions are collected, the set of best candidate(s) is easily identified and useful suggestion can be obtained for further developing the product.

Keywords: Additive manufacturing | Concept design | Concept selection | Design method | Fuzzy set | Virtual prototyping

[20] Lanzotti A., Carbone F., Di Gironimo G., Papa S., Renno F., Tarallo A., D’Angelo R., On the usability of augmented reality devices for interactive risk assessment, International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, 8(1), 132-138, (2018). Abstract

Abstract: The use of Augmented Reality (AR) technologies is the new challenge of management models born under the “Industry 4.0” paradigm. The aim of the work is to evaluate the usability of two types of AR devices (tablet and see-through) employed in the training and information activities of workers according to the ISO/IEC 9126 and ISO 9241 standards. Starting from the state of the art, evaluating market and competitors and developing different concepts of interfaces, a dedicated application was programmed and, then, the usability of such devices for the professional figures involved was evaluated through experimental tests. Two reference scenarios were defined, the Department of Industrial Engineering of University of Naples Federico II and INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work) laboratories, an user interface was designed and developed, as an aid in the drafting of the document for risk evaluation and subsequent training of workers. The activity is part of the IDEE Project (Interactive Design for Ergonomics), born by the collaboration between Joint Lab IDEAS and Contarp-INAIL-Regional Management for Campania. The data analysis allowed to evaluate the goodness of the devices and the degree of satisfaction in their use on the basis of the sample of users who conducted the tests. The use of AR devices produces better results than paperwork in terms of efficiency and effectiveness, but not all devices produce appreciable results in terms of user satisfaction. Although AR technologies are mature, the tasks need to be carefully defined to avoid rejection phenomena. The strong expectation, that they generate in potential users, risks to remain disappointed today for some usability limits found in currently available devices. It is necessary to start testing in pilot applications in various industrial fields in order to capture in time and adequately support this opportunity of innovation in Italy.

Keywords: Augmented reality | Risk assessment | Usability

[21] Renno F., Feature-based, surface and direct modeling: An aeronautic point of view, Engineering Letters, 25(2), 134-141, (2017). Abstract

Abstract: Aim of this paper is to analyse and compare the characteristics of Feature Based and Direct Modeling techniques to determine their pros and cons for typical design processes. The first is one of the most common approach to create CAD models to be used for the machining phase of mechanical parts and assemblies. The second is a new method, alternative to the first one, based on a user-friendly approach, without rigid rules and constraints, that could represent the future of the CAD methodologies. Moreover, the Surface Modeling approach is analyzed and compared to the others, due to its common use in automotive and aeronautics fields. Considering the Feature Based Modeling as benchmark, three case studies were analysed to examine the peculiarities of these techniques, and to determine and highlight their advantages and their drawbacks. Several aspects were contemplated to perform the tests: the execution time for the realization of each operation, the easiness to create features and geometries, the possibility to adequately modify and upgrade the models and the number of operations needed to get the complete virtual prototype. In the end, the results were analysed and discussed focusing the attention on the possibility to adopt the Direct Modeling as substitute of the Feature Based and/or Surface Modeling and of the current CAD techniques.

Keywords: CAD | Direct modeling | Feature based modeling | Fuselage | Main landing fear | Surface modeling | Top-down approach | Virtual prototyping | Wing

[22] Renno F., Strano S., Terzo M., Development and validation of an air spring multiphysical model, Engineering Letters, 25(2), 176-182, (2017). Abstract

Abstract: This paper presents a multiphysical model of a reversible sleeve air spring to be employed for design and simulation purpose. A multiphysical approach, combining fluid flow with solid mechanics, has been considered to study the interaction between the fluid and the solid structure of the air spring under different pressure conditions. Experimental tests have been developed applying several compression loads to the air spring and measuring the deformation and the reaction force for different values of the initial pressure. An experimental validation has been executed analyzing and comparing the mechanical behaviour of the actual prototype and the virtual model. In particular, the 3D deformation of the air spring has been acquired by means of the Reverse Engineering techniques and the results have been compared with the simulated ones. Moreover, the experimental and simulated air spring vertical stiffness have been matched in order to verify the accuracy of the multiphysical model. The validation procedure demonstrated that the simulation results fitted the experimental ones for different testing conditions.

Keywords: Air spring | CFD | Elastomers | FEM | Mooney-Rivlin model | Multiphysics | Reverse engineering | Structural analysis

[23] Renno F., Papa S., Direct modeling approach to improve virtual prototyping and FEM analyses of bicycle frames, Engineering Letters, 23(4), (2015). Abstract

Abstract: Main target of this paper is to analyse the advantages in the use of the Direct Modeling in the Virtual Prototyping processes and in the multiphysics analyses with the help of Reverse Engineering procedures. It is a recent CAD technique that allows the creation and/or modification of models that don’t need parameters and constraints, as on the contrary happens in the Feature Based Modeling. So, it is possible to change the shapes and the dimensions of the original prototypes very easily. Hence, in this paper a methodology devised to acquire and modify a “reconstructed” (non-parametric) model to improve and then to submit it to FEM analysis is presented. Furthermore, it is realized and doesn’t even need the Feature Recognition phase of a typical Reverse Engineering process. In particular, this methodology was applied to a frame of a bicycle used as case study. Its shape was acquired by means of a laser scanner and its virtual prototype was “reconstructed”. In addition, starting from it, two alternative frames were obtained and then easily modified by means of the Direct Modeling techniques. Then, they were submitted to FEM analyses to get different solutions with less weight but similar mechanical performances. Afterwards, the ergonomics of the modified configurations was tested by means of different percentile virtual manikins to plan the physical prototyping of a new improved bicycle.

Keywords: Bicycle | CATIA manikin | DELMIA simulations | Direct modeling | Feature based modeling | Feature recognition | FEM analysis | Reverse engineering

[24] Lucca F., Bertolini C., Crescenzi F., Crisanti F., Di Gironimo G., Labate C., Manzoni M., Marconi M., Pagani I., Ramogida G., Renno F., Roccella M., Roccella S., Viganò F., Preliminary electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical design for first wall and vacuum vessel of FAST, Fusion Engineering and Design, 98-99, 1538-1542, (2015). Abstract

Abstract: The fusion advanced study torus (FAST), with its compact design, high toroidal field and plasma current, faces many of the problems met by ITER, and at the same time anticipates much of the DEMO relevant physics and technology. The conceptual design of the first wall (FW) and the vacuum vessel (VV) has been defined on the basis of FAST operative conditions and of "Snow Flakes" (SF) magnetic topology, which is also relevant for DEMO. The EM loads are one of the most critical load components for the FW and the VV during plasma disruptions and a first dimensioning of these components for such loads is mandatory. During this first phase of R&D activities the conceptual design of the FW and VV have been assessed estimating, by means of FE simulations, the EM loads due to a typical vertical disruption event (VDE) in FAST. EM loads were then transferred on a FE mechanical model of the FAST structures and the mechanical response of the FW and VV design for the analyzed VDE event was assessed. The results indicate that design criteria are not fully satisfied by the current drawing of the VV and FW components. The most critical regions have been individuated and the effect of some geometrical and material changes has been checked in order to improve the structure.

Keywords: DEMO | Electromagnetic analysis | FAST | First wall | Thermo-structural analyses assessment | Vacuum vessel

[25] Labate C., Di Gironimo G., Renno F., Plasma facing components: A conceptual design strategy for the first wall in FAST tokamak, Nuclear Fusion, 55(11), (2015). Abstract

Abstract: Satellite tokamaks are conceived with the main purpose of developing new or alternative ITER- and DEMO-relevant technologies, able to contribute in resolving the pending issues about plasma operation. In particular, a high criticality needs to be associated to the design of plasma facing components, i.e. first wall (FW) and divertor, due to physical, topological and thermo-structural reasons. In such a context, the design of the FW in FAST fusion plant, whose operational range is close to ITER's one, takes place. According to the mission of experimental satellites, the FW design strategy, which is presented in this paper relies on a series of innovative design choices and proposals with a particular attention to the typical key points of plasma facing components design. Such an approach, taking into account a series of involved physical constraints and functional requirements to be fulfilled, marks a clear borderline with the FW solution adopted in ITER, in terms of basic ideas, manufacturing aspects, remote maintenance procedure, manifolds management, cooling cycle and support system configuration.

Keywords: cooling cycle | first wall | fusion technologies | locking system | plasma-wall interaction | remote handling | tokamak design

[26] Renno F., Terzo M., Close-range photogrammetry approach for the virtual prototyping of an automotive magnetorheological semi-active differential, Engineering Letters, 23(3), 163-172, (2015). Abstract

Abstract: First target of this paper is to describe the design the behaviour of the final prototype before its manufacturing of an automotive semi-active differential based on the use of a and to predict its good performances and possible Magnetorheological Fluid (MRF). The MRF allows to control weaknesses. So the costs and the time to market of the new the locking torque and, consequently, to improve the vehicle handling. Second target is to propose a method grounded on a Close-Range Photogrammetry approach for the CAD modeling phase of the device ideated, alternative to the use of the typical Reverse Engineering (RE) techniques. In fact, although a Reverse Engineering process allows the complete 3D reconstruction of the external surfaces and features of a real object, it could often take a lot of time and, in some cases, could be affected by some approximations or errors. Furthermore, a model “reconstructed” could not be the best solution for multiphysics analyses, where the parametric geometry is needed for the modifications of all its features and dimensions for the optimization process in a very short time. For these reasons, in the case studied, the complete CAD prototype, created step by step, is needed and the photogrammetry can represent an interesting solution to enhance the virtual prototyping phase without repercussions on the quality of the results. Starting from the acquisition of particular “key points”, with an acceptable tolerance, the definition of the references (datum axes, curves, planes, centres of holes) needed for the CAD modeling, according to the Top-Down procedure, was possible. Once obtained the preliminary prototype, the final CAD model was created optimizing its dimensions and choosing the adequate materials. To evaluate the goodness of the procedure adopted, the MRF LSD geometry was reconstructed also by means of the Reverse Engineering techniques applied to the physical prototype of the new device ad hoc created. In particular, laser system acquisition and RE dedicated software were used. In this way the comparison between the photogrammetric and Reverse Engineering procedures (in terms of time spent and quality of the results) was allowed and so conducted. Lastly, the results of the FEM analyses carried out to validate the design process and the methodology ideated and adopted were showed.

Keywords: 3D CAD parametric modeling | Automotive differential | Direct modeling | FEM analysis | Magnetorheological fluid | Photogrammetry | Reverse engineering

[27] Lanzotti A., Renno F., Russo M., Russo R., Terzo M., Virtual prototyping of an automotive magnetorheological semi-active differential by means of the reverse engineering techniques, Engineering Letters, 23(3), 115-124, (2015). Abstract

Abstract: Aim of this paper is to describe a research activity on the virtual prototyping, by means of the Reverse Engineering techniques, of an automotive semi-active,differential based on the use of a Magneto-Rheological Fluid. The MRF allows to control the locking torque and consequently to improve the vehicle handling. Starting from the 3D digitizing and the virtual reconstruction of a gearbox of a common front wheel drive vehicle, the boundary volume of the new device (MRF LSD) was defined and a preliminary CAD model was realized. Then, optimizing its dimensions and choosing the adequate materials, the final virtual prototype was obtained. The successive GD&T phase allowed to get the best assembly procedure and quality of the final model of the new device. In order to evaluate the goodness of the virtual simulations realized and of the results proposed, a physical prototype was manufactured. Finally, several experimental tests were carried out to validate the design process.

Keywords: 3D CAD parametric | Automotive differential | Magneto-rheological fluid | Reverse engineering | Virtual prototyping techniques

[28] Di Gironimo G., Lanzotti A., Peluso F., Renno F., Virtual production planning of a high-speed train using a discrete event simulation based approach, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 9(1), 65-75, (2015). Abstract

Abstract: This paper deals with an application of Discrete Event Simulation (DES) within the manufacturing process of a high-speed train. Today, the use of a DES tool is common for supporting engineers in designing the production lines and planning the production, representing a valid help in what-if analyses and in the measurement or validation of a solution. In this research activity, differently from the common use, it has been developed a DES model whose function is not to measure and/or validate a solution of a problem, but to generate a solution that will be nearly to the optimum. This paper describes DES tools, the methodology used in this work, the model built, the case-study and the obtained results.

Keywords: Discrete event simulation | Production planning | Scheduling optimization | Virtual manufacturing

[29] Renno F., Strano S., Terzo M., Air spring and magnetorheological damper: An integrated solution for vibration control, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, 2218, 945-950, (2015). Abstract

Abstract: A combined employment of an air spring and a magnetorheological damper is proposed for the vibration control. The proposed device is characterized by the possibility to change stiffness and damping, making it fully versatile and functional to overcame the several issues that can be found in vibration control. The integrated solution is based on the parallel of both an air spring and a magnetorheological damper. The solution allows to select the better compromise to enhance the opposite aspects of ride and handling.

Keywords: Air spring | Damper | Handling | Magnetorheological fluid | Ride

[30] Di Gironimo G., Labate C.V., Renno F., Siuko M., Lanzotti A., Crisanti F., An interactive design approach for nuclear fusion purposes: Remote handling system for FAST divertor, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 8(1), 55-65, (2014). Abstract

Abstract: The paper deals with the design issues concerning the remote maintenance of divertors in fusion advanced studies torus (FAST), a satellite tokamak acting as a test bed for the study and the develop of innovative technologies oriented to ITER and DEMO programs, pilot examples of the feasibility of energy production from nuclear fusion on the Earth. FAST remote handling (RH) solutions are provided according to an "interactive design review" philosophy based on virtual prototyping techniques. Assuming an ITER configuration as start point, it foresees an iterative process of design review, carried out in virtual reality (VR) environment and oriented to obtain a sort of best solution from the RH point of view. Any iteration includes the analysis of the current solution and the proposal of new and alternative ones, based on the requirements fulfillment and the improvement of critical points highlighted. In such a way, and this is the main novelty introduced by the paper, the interactive design review in a VR collaborative environment becomes the tool able to put in cooperation and in positive competition various and different competences, required by a multidisciplinary problem as the realization of nuclear fusion machine, in order to reach a shared solution. A first preliminary FAST RH solution is hereinafter presented, accompanied by the design of a compatible support system, due to the strict relationship between the divertor maintenance and the support configuration. The work was carried out via the collaboration of the "Divertor Test Platform 2" (DTP2) team, in charge of ITER divertor RH tests and located in VTT's Labs of Tampere (Finland), and the IDEAinVR team of CREATE Consortium, with competence in interactive design and VR simulations and located in the Virtual Reality Lab of University of Naples Federico II (Italy). © 2013 Springer-Verlag France.

Keywords: Fusion engineering | Interactive design | Remote handling | Tokamak design | Virtual prototyping

[31] Lanzotti A., Renno F., Russo M., Russo R., Terzo M., Design and development of an automotive magnetorheological semi-active differential, Mechatronics, 24(5), 426-435, (2014). Abstract

Abstract: This paper describes a research activity concerning the design and the development of an automotive semi-active differential based on the use of a magnetorheological fluid that allows to control the locking torque and, consequently, to improve the vehicle handling. Starting from a gearbox of a common front wheel drive vehicle, the boundary volume of the new device was defined by means of reverse engineering techniques. Two alternative architectures were proposed and compared to select the best one in terms of functionality. Then, the selected functional scheme was modeled and optimized by means of multiphysics simulations. The definition of a reiterative process, based on the use of a specific cost function, allowed to optimize the design variables and to obtain the final virtual prototype. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed device, a physical prototype was realized. First experimental tests were carried out validating the design process. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Automotive differential | Mechatronic device | Optimal design | Reverse engineering | Virtual prototyping techniques

[32] Lanzotti A., Renno F., Russo M., Russo R., Terzo M., A physical prototype of an automotive magnetorheological differential, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, 3 LNECS, 2131-2135, (2013). Abstract

Abstract: The development of an automotive semi-active differential is described. The device is based on the use of a magnetorheological fluid and allows to control the locking torque and, consequently, to improve the vehicle handling. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed device, a physical prototype was realized and the first experimental tests were carried out.

Keywords: Automotive differential | Magnetorheological fluid | Vehicle dynamics

[33] Di Gironimo G., Carfora D., Esposito G., Labate C., Mozzillo R., Renno F., Lanzotti A., Siuko M., Improving concept design of divertor support system for FAST tokamak using TRIZ theory and AHP approach, Fusion Engineering and Design, 88(11), 3014-3020, (2013). Abstract

Abstract: The paper focuses on the application of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) to divertor Remote Handling (RH) issues in Fusion Advanced Studies Torus (FAST), a satellite tokamak acting as a test bed for the study and the development of innovative technologies oriented to ITER and DEMO programs. The objective of this study consists in generating concepts or solutions able to overcome design and technical weak points in the current maintenance procedure. Two different concepts are designed with the help of a parametric CAD software, CATIA V5, using a top-down modeling approach; kinematic simulations of the remote handling system are performed using Digital Mock-Up (DMU) capabilities of the software. The evaluation of the concepts is carried out involving a group of experts in a participative design approach using virtual reality, classifying the concepts with the help of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). © 2013 Elsevier B.V.

Keywords: AHP | Concept design | FAST tokamak | Interactive design | Remote handling | TRIZ

[34] Crescenzi F., Roccella S., Brolatti G., Cao L., Crisanti F., Cucchiaro A., Di Gironimo G., Labate C., Lucca F., Maddaluno G., Ramogida G., Renno F., Vessel and In-Vessel Components Design Upgrade of the FAST machine, Fusion Engineering and Design, 88(9-10), 2048-2051, (2013). Abstract

Abstract: The Fusion Advanced Study Torus (FAST), with its compact Tokamak design, high toroidal field and plasma current, will face many of the problems that ITER will meet and will anticipate many DEMO relevant physics and technology issues. The Design Upgrade of the Vessel and In-Vessel Components is presented in this paper. Relevant modifications were performed to the Vacuum Vessel (VV) and to the Plasma Facing Components (PFCs), i.e. the First Wall (FW) and the Divertor. The VV was modified to insert active reduction coils (ARC), between VV and the toroidal field (TF) coils to keep toroidal field magnet ripple lower than 0.3% and to allow Remote Handling for the FW and the Divertor. The FW, was modified to house coils for ELMs control and other plasma instabilities. A 3D thermo-hydraulic analysis using ANSYS code was performed to check FW heat removal capability. A new Divertor was designed to withstand the largest thermal loads of the high performance, low density, H-mode and to be able to comply with a recent magnetic topology called as "Snow Flake", increasing up a factor 4 the flux expansion. An exhaustive 3D thermo-hydraulic analysis using ANSYS code was carried out to show the capability of the Divertor to comply these high requirements. Design criteria were satisfied by present components of the upgraded machine. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.

Keywords: ANSYS code | FAST | PFC

[35] Di Gironimo G., Labate C., Renno F., Brolatti G., Crescenzi F., Crisanti F., Lanzotti A., Lucca F., Siuko M., Concept design of divertor remote handling system for the FAST machine, Fusion Engineering and Design, 88(9-10), 2052-2056, (2013). Abstract

Abstract: The paper presents a concept design of a remote handling (RH) system oriented to maintenance operations on the divertor second cassette in FAST, a satellite of ITER tokamak. Starting from ITER configuration, a suitably scaled system, composed by a cassette multifunctional mover (CMM) connected to a second cassette end-effector (SCEE), can represent a very efficient solution for FAST machine. The presence of a further system able to open the divertor port, used for RH aims, and remove the first cassette, already aligned with the radial direction of the port, is presumed. Although an ITER-like system maintains essentially shape and proportions of its reference configuration, an appropriate arrangement with FAST environment is needed, taking into account new requirements due to different dimensions, weights and geometries. The use of virtual prototyping and the possibility to involve a great number of persons, not only mechanical designers but also physicist, plasma experts and personnel assigned to remote handling operations, made them to share the multiphysics design experience, according to a concurrent engineering approach. Nevertheless, according to the main objective of any satellite tokamak, such an approach benefits the study of enhancements to ITER RH system and the exploration of alternative solutions. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.

Keywords: Divertor | FAST | Fusion engineering | ITER | Remote handling | Virtual prototyping

[36] Ramogida G., Calabrò G., Cocilovo V., Crescenzi F., Crisanti F., Cucchiaro A., Di Gironimo G., Fresa R., Fusco V., Martin P., Mastrostefano S., Mozzillo R., Nuzzolese F., Renno F., Rita C., Villone F., Vlad G., Active toroidal field ripple compensation and MHD feedback control coils in FAST, Fusion Engineering and Design, 88(6-8), 1156-1160, (2013). Abstract

Abstract: The Fusion Advanced Study Torus (FAST) has been proposed as a high magnetic field, compact size tokamak providing a flexible integrated environment to study physics and technology issues in ITER and DEMO relevant conditions. FAST has a quite large natural toroidal field ripple (around 1.5%) due to its compactness and to the number of access ports: this ripple must be lowered to an acceptable level to allow safe operations and a good confinement quality. An Active Ripple Compensating System (ARCS) has been designed, based on a set of poloidal coils placed between the plasma chamber and the Toroidal Field Coils (TFCs). These ARCS coils will be fed with adjustable currents, opposite in direction respect to the TFC currents, and will allow lowering the ripple up to zero and beyond. The CAD model of FAST including the ARCS coils has been completed and preliminary electromagnetic and thermal analyses have been carried out. Moreover, a Feedback Active Control System (FACS) composed of two arrays of in-vessel saddle coils has been designed to allow safe high plasma current, low safety factor operation and to mitigate possibly large ELMs effects in FAST. These FACS coils will be fed by a feedback system to control MHD modes: a first engineering assessment of the current requirements has been carried out. © 2013 Euratom-ENEA Association sulla Fusione.

Keywords: Control | DEMO | FAST | ITER | MHD modes | Toroidal field ripple

[37] Di Gironimo G., Lanzotti A., Melemez K., Renno F., A top-down approach for virtual redesign and ergonomic optimization of an agricultural tractor's driver cab, ASME 2012 11th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA 2012, 3, 801-811, (2012). Abstract

Abstract: Nowadays, economical, technical and ergonomic factors have a great importance on the design of the agricultural tractors. The paper illustrates the use and the management of heterogeneous product information (manual measurements and drafts, 2D drawings, technical documentation, photos), advanced CAD modeling tools and digital human models, for the redesign and the ergonomic optimization of an agricultural tractor's driver cab. The project development has been organized using a top-down approach in a collaborative environment. At first, a manual measurement with gauges allowed to realize a technical draft of the whole agricultural tractor and of each component part of the driver cab. Then a main skeleton has been created in Catia V5 environment in order to specify all the datum elements necessary to model each sub-assembly of the tractor. Cabin, platform, engine, tires, seat, dashboard and controls have been organized separately and modeled considering the details related to the manual measurements and to the technical standards. Once obtained the 3D CAD model of the tractor, an opportune questionnaire was prepared and a test campaign was carried out with real operators in order to define the more critical control devices within the driver cab, as regards to usability and ergonomic issues. An "Ergonomics' Evaluation Index" (EEI) was defined taking into account the posture angles of the operator and the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment analysis tool available in the "Ergonomics Design & Analysis" module of Catia V5 based on the use of a digital human model. The index was validated comparing the results of tests carried out using virtual manikins of different percentiles performing a specific driving task, with the results of tests carried out by real operators, of the same percentiles, performing the same driving task. Critical values of the EEI obtained during some driving tasks in virtual environment, suggested to modify the shape and the position of some control devices in order to optimize the ergonomics of the driver cab. The adoption of the top-down modeling based approach allowed each change on a singular component part to be automatically propagated on the whole assembly, making easy the changes on the virtual prototype. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.

[38] Lanzotti A., Di Gironimo G., Matrone G., Patalano S., Renno F., Virtual concepts and experiments to improve quality of train interiors, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 3(2), 65-79, (2009). Abstract

Abstract: The paper aims at providing a methodological contribution to the concept design of train interior in order to improve the quality perceived by users in compliance with railway standards. Indeed, the combined use of advanced CAD tools, experimental statistical methods and Virtual Reality tools allows developing, selecting and experimentally evaluating new concepts. The design cycle starts both from designers' proposal and the identification of user's needs; then, it makes use of datum-based CAD models in order to generate virtual concepts that satisfy railway standards; the cycle proceeds with the immersive evaluation of virtual prototypes, performed by potential and expert users in Virtual Reality. The identification of the optimal concept closes the design process. This procedure can be iterated in order to improve the quality of train interiors, evaluated thanks to the user's involvement in the design cycle. In this work a case study on seat design of a regional train is presented, developed at the Virtual Reality laboratory, named, of the Regional Centre for the qualification of transportation systems set up by Campania Regional Authority. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.

Keywords: CAD models | Concept design | Designfor quality | Kano methodology | Virtual reality

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