Ricotta Vito
Professore Associato
Università degli Studi di Palermo
Sito istituzionale
SCOPUS ID: 6505743452
Orcid: 0000-0002-1975-8167
Pubblicazioni scientifiche
Abstract: The Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty (RTSA) is a complex surgical procedure also due to the difficulty in correctly positioning all the components of the prosthesis. Malpositioning of the prosthesis, in fact, can lead to various complications such as scapular notching, early mobilization, instability and reducing of the range of movement (ROM). Preoperative planning with 3D imaging and patient specific instruments can be very useful tools to help surgeon in selecting the optimal position of implant components. Aim of this work is to develop a procedure based on a fully parametric CAD system that simulates the shoulder joint to identify the optimal positioning of the humeral and glenoid components of the prosthesis. In particular, the proposed system allows to find the optimal cutting angles of the humerus head and the glenoid cavity so to best fit the patient's bone structure and the prosthesis components and, consequently, to improve the range of movement. The system allows to create, in a semi-automatic way, CAD assembly models composed of the patient shoulder bones and different reverse shoulder prostheses. For each assembly different positions of the components of the prosthesis can be evaluated and various scenarios of movements can be simulated. In this way it is possible to identify the optimal positioning of the prosthesis for each patient in the preoperative stage. The proposed procedure has been tested with two types of prosthesis and two patients. Obtained results demonstrated that an optimal positioning of prosthesis an improve ROM up to 27%.
Keywords: CAD | Preoperative planning | Reverse engineering | Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty
Abstract: As is widely recognized, advancements in new design and rapid prototyping techniques such as CAD modeling and 3D printing are pioneering individualized medicine, facilitating the implementation of new methodologies for creating customized orthoses. The aim of this paper is to develop a new automatic technique for producing personalized orthoses in a straightforward manner, eliminating the necessity for doctors to collaborate directly with technicians. A novel design method for creating customized wrist orthoses has been implemented, notably featuring a generative algorithm for the parametric modeling of the orthosis. To assess the efficacy of the developed algorithm, a case study was conducted involving the design and rapid prototyping of a wrist orthosis using Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) technology. Subsequently, the developed algorithm was tested by clinicians and patients. The results obtained indicate that the implemented algorithm is user-friendly and could potentially enable non-expert users to design customized orthoses. These results introduce innovative elements of originality within the CAD modeling, offering promising solutions to the challenges associated with the design and production of customized orthoses. Future developments could consist of a better investigation regarding the parameters that influence the accuracy of the scanning and of the printing processes.
Keywords: additive manufacturing | CAD | generative design | reverse engineering | wrist orthosis
Abstract: Composite sandwich panels with honeycomb, corrugated, tetrahedral, trapezoidal, 3D periodic and hybrid lattice cores have long been studied for their use in various industrial fields. In this study, several numerical analyses were conducted in ANSYS APDL environment in order to analyze the effect of a novel bi-directional corrugated core configuration on the flexural performance of a CFRP sandwich panel. In particular, the sandwich core is obtained by repeating a regular unit cell in two different directions to form a three-dimensional lattice structure. In order to determine the optimal values of the geometrical parameters of the core unit cell and to evaluate how the layout of the composite laminate could affect the mechanical performances of the structure, a numerical study was conducted by using the Group Search Optimizer (GSO) algorithm, a metaheuristic animal-inspired optimization algorithm used to solve various real-world problems. The obtained results show that the GSO algorithm is very effective to optimize the main geometrical parameters of the composite sandwich panel with the novel bi-directional corrugated core. More generally, the implemented procedure provides an open framework to solve complex optimization problems that are very difficult to solve using exact methods, making the GSO algorithm particularly attractive for many industrial applications.
Keywords: ANSYS | Finite element analysis | Group search optimizer | Numerical optimization
Abstract: In this work a Reverse Engineering based approach has been implemented aiming to reconstruct the 3D shape of a strongly damaged and no longer usable impeller of a submersible centrifugal pump. After obtaining the 3D model, new designs of the impeller were investigated in terms of structural stability and corrosion resistance by changing the geometry and the material. Obtained results show the used approach can be very useful both to reproduce, by Additive Manufacturing, no longer available spare parts, so allowing to extend the useful life of old machineries and to reduce costs resulting from plant shutdowns, but also to improve the performances of old designs, making use of different materials and new manufacturing processes.
Keywords: CAD | Centrifugal pump | Impeller | Modal analysis | Reverse Engineering
Abstract: Background: The functional results of total elbow arthroplasty (TEA) are controversial and the medium- to long-term revision rates are relatively high. The aim of the present study was to analyze the stresses of TEA in its classic configuration, identify the areas of greatest stress in the prosthesis–bone–cement interface, and evaluate the most wearing working conditions. Materials and methods: By means of a reverse engineering process and using a 3D laser scanner, CAD (computer-aided drafting) models of a constrained elbow prosthesis were acquired. These CAD models were developed and their elastic properties, resistance, and stresses were studied through finite element analysis (finite element method—FEM). The obtained 3D elbow-prosthesis model was then evaluated in cyclic flexion–extension movements (> 10 million cycles). We highlighted the configuration of the angle at which the highest stresses and the areas most at risk of implant mobilization develop. Finally, we performed a quantitative study of the stress state after varying the positioning of the stem of the ulnar component in the sagittal plane by ± 3°. Results: The greatest von Mises stress state in the bone component for the 90° working configuration was 3.1635 MPa, which occurred in the most proximal portion of the humeral blade and in the proximal middle third of the shaft. At the ulnar level, peaks of 4.1763 MPa were recorded at the proximal coronoid/metaepiphysis level. The minimum elastic resistance and therefore the greatest stress states were recorded in the bone region at the apex of the ulnar stem (0.001967 MPa). The results of the analysis for the working configurations at 0° and 145° showed significant reductions in the stress states for both prosthetic components; similarly, varying the positioning of the ulnar component at 90° (− 3° in the sagittal plane, 0° in the frontal plane) resulted in better working conditions with a greater resulting developed force and a lower stress peak in the ulnar cement. Conclusion: The areas of greatest stress occur in specific regions of the ulnar and humeral components at the bone–cement–prosthesis interface. The heaviest configuration in terms of stresses was when the elbow was flexed at 90°. Variations in the positioning in the sagittal plane can mechanically affect the movement, possibly resulting in longer survival of the implant. Level of evidence: 5
Keywords: Biomechanics | Elbow finite element | Elbow replacement | Prosthetic posizioning | Totel elbow arthroplasty
Abstract: In the mid-1980s, several metaheuristic methods began to be developed for solving a very large class of computational problems with the aim of obtaining more robust and efficient procedures. Among them, many metaheuristic methods use bio-inspired intelligent algorithms. In recent years, these methods are becoming increasingly important and they can be used in various subject areas for solving complex problems. Firefly Algorithm is a nature-inspired optimization algorithm proposed by Yang to solve multimodal optimization problems. In particular, the method is inspired by the nature of fireflies to emit a light signal to attract other individuals of this species. In this work, a numerical study for solving a structural problem using the Firefly Algorithm as optimization method is conducted. In particular, the implementation of the Firefly Algorithm in several input files realized in the ANSYS Parametric Design Language has allowed the definition of the optimal stacking sequence and the laminate thickness of a composite gear housing used to enclose the components of a mechanical reducer.
Keywords: ANSYS | Finite element analysis | Firefly Algorithm | Structural optimization
Abstract: The standard method of design and manufacturing customised orthoses is still very time-consuming due to their often very complex shape. Different authors have tried to solve this problem but, unfortunately, the proposed approaches cannot be easily used in clinical practice because they require substantial interaction among medical staff and engineers or technicians. The aim of this work is to present the framework of a new design approach that could allow clinicians to easily model a customised orthosis, without a skilled technician develops the entire procedure. In particular, an automatic process based on Generative Design has been implemented. The obtained results have demonstrated that the implemented algorithm is simple to use and could allow also not-skilled users to design customised orthoses.
Keywords: CAD | Customised orthosis | Generative design | Reverse engineering
Abstract: Many industrial sectors face increasing production demands and the need to reduce costs, without compromising the quality. The use of robotics and automation has grown significantly in recent years, but versatile robotic manipulators are still not commonly used in small factories. Beside of the investments required to enable efficient and profitable use of robot technology, the efforts needed to program robots are only economically viable in case of large lot sizes. Generating robot programs for specific manufacturing tasks still relies on programming trajectory waypoints by hand. The use of virtual simulation software and the availability of the specimen digital models can facilitate robot programming. Nevertheless, in many cases, the virtual models are not available or there are excessive differences between virtual and real setups, leading to inaccurate robot programs and time-consuming manual corrections. Previous works have demonstrated the use of robot-manipulated optical sensors to map the geometry of samples. However, the use of simple user-defined robot paths, which are not optimized for a specific part geometry, typically causes some areas of the samples to not be mapped with the required level of accuracy or to not be sampled at all by the optical sensor. This work presents an autonomous framework to enable adaptive surface mapping, without any previous knowledge of the part geometry being transferred to the system. The novelty of this work lies in enabling the capability of mapping a part surface at the required level of sampling density, whilst minimizing the number of necessary view poses. Its development has also led to an efficient method of point cloud down-sampling and merging. The article gives an overview of the related work in the field, a detailed description of the proposed framework and a proof of its functionality through both simulated and experimental evidences.
Keywords: 3D reconstruction | Adaptive mapping | Inspection | Metrology | Robotics | View planning
Abstract: The aim of this work is to implement a new process for the design and production of orthopaedic devices to realize entirely by Additive Manufacturing (AM). In particular, a generative algorithm for parametric modelling of flexible structures to use in orthopaedic devices has been developed. The developed modelling algorithm has been applied to a case study based on the design and production of a customized elbow orthosis made by Selective Laser Sintering. The results obtained have demonstrated that the developed algorithm overcomes many drawbacks typical of traditional CAD modelling approaches. FEM simulations have been also performed to validate the design of the orthosis. The new modelling algorithm allows designers to model flexible structures with no deformations or mismatches and to create parametric CAD models to use for the production of orthopaedic devices through AM technologies.
Keywords: Additive Manufacturing | Additively manufactured textiles | CAD modelling | Elbow orthosis | Generative algorithms
Abstract: The aim of this work is the design of a new customised elbow orthosis completely realized by Additive Manufacturing and the development of generative algorithms for parametric modelling and creation of 3D patterns to be adapted to the CAD model. This work describes a method to perfect the design of a custom elbow orthosis. A reverse engineering approach has been used to digitalize the patient’s arm and the subsequent CAD modelling of the structure of the custom elbow orthosis has been performed. In particular, two algorithms have been implemented for the creation of 3D patterns and Voronoi tessellations. Subsequently, FEM analyses have been carried out to validate the design. Finally, a prototype of the elbow orthosis with Voronoi tessellation has been realized by means of the SLS technology. The results obtained have demonstrated that the implemented algorithm solved the problems found during CAD modelling with conventional software. Furthermore, the results of FEM analyses have validated the design choices. All this allowed realizing the prototype by AM technologies without problems. Moreover, the new proposed modelling approaches allows creating, in an interactive way, patterns on complex surfaces. The results of this research activity present innovative elements of originality in the CAD modelling sector, which can contribute to solving problems related to the modelling for Additive Manufacturing. Furthermore, another innovative characteristic of the device is the use of torsion springs that simulate the action of physiotherapists during exercises for patient rehabilitation.
Keywords: Additive manufacturing | Computer aided design | Elbow orthosis | Generative design | Reverse engineering
Abstract: Tibial fractures are common injuries in people. The proper treatment of these fractures is important in order to recover complete mobility. The aim of this work was to investigate if screw positioning in plates for proximal tibial fractures can affect the stability of the system, and if it can consequently influence the patient healing time. In fact, a more stable construct could allow the reduction of the non-weight-bearing period and consequently speed up the healing process. For that purpose, virtual models of fractured bone/plate assemblies were created, and numerical simulations were performed to evaluate the reaction forces and the maximum value of the contact pressure at the screw/bone interface. A Schatzker type I tibial fracture was considered, and four different screw configurations were investigated. The obtained results demonstrated that, for this specific case study, screw orientation affected the pressure distribution at the screw/bone interface. The proposed approach could be used effectively to investigate different fracture types in order to give orthopaedists useful guidelines for the treatment of proximal tibial fractures.
Keywords: CAD | FEM | Implant stability | Locking plates | Reverse engineering | Tibial fracture
Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to implement a new process aimed at the design and production of orthopaedic devices fully manufacturable by additive manufacturing (AM). In this context, the use of generative algorithms for parametric modelling of additively manufactured textiles (AMTs) also has been investigated, and new modelling solutions have been proposed. Design/methodology/approach: A new method for the design of customised elbow orthoses has been implemented. In particular, to better customise the elbow orthosis, a generative algorithm for parametric modelling and creation of a flexible structure, typical of an AMT, has been developed. Findings: To test the developed modelling algorithm, a case study based on the design and production of an elbow orthosis made by selective laser sintering was investigated. The obtained results have demonstrated that the implemented algorithm overcomes many drawbacks typical of the traditional computer aided design (CAD) modelling approaches. The parametric CAD model of the orthosis obtained through the new approach is characterised by a flexible structure with no deformations or mismatches and has been effectively used to produce the prototype through AM technologies. Originality/value: The obtained results present innovative elements of originality in the CAD modelling sector, which can contribute to solving problems related to modelling for AM in different application fields.
Keywords: Additive manufacturing | Additively manufactured textiles | AM technologies | CAD modeling | Elbow orthosis | Generative algorithms
Abstract: Tooth loss is a common pathology that affects many people. Dental osseointegrated implants are the ideal solution to restore normal functionality in partially or completely edentulous patients. The not perfect osseointegration and the fixture fracture are the main causes of failure for these kinds of implant. To avoid these drawbacks, several studies have been conducted to analyse the behaviour of dental implants. Aim of this work is to analyse the biomechanical behaviour of three different endosseous dental implants. For this purpose, a new numerical model has been developed to simulate different levels of osseointegration and to evaluate the stress values on the bone at different times. In this way, it can be investigated the possibility of anticipating the use of dental implants that usually is delayed three months after surgery. Obtained results confirm the validity of the proposed approach and can provide useful guidelines for dentists.
Keywords: CAD | Dental implant | FEM | Osseointegration | Virtual simulation
Abstract: Total elbow arthroplasty (TEA) is an effective and frequently used treatment for patients with debilitating elbow pathology. Total elbow prostheses have lagged behind those of the knee, hip and shoulder for different reasons, such as the high failure rate of the early designs. Concern remains regarding the longevity of TEA implants, especially in younger patients. The main cause of revision of the implant is usually related to the phenomenon of aseptic loosening mainly due to the cement-bone interface failure. Aim of this work is the biomechanical analysis of a new elbow prosthesis to investigate the mechanical behaviour at the cement-bone interface. For this reason, a musculoskeletal model has been developed by modelling the forces of the muscles and after FEM analyses have been performed. Obtained results confirm the validity of the implemented model and can provide guidelines for surgeons regarding the implant configurations with the aim to reduce the aseptic loosening.
Keywords: CAD | FEM | Reverse engineering | Total elbow arthroplasty
Abstract: Purpose: Shoulder instability and reduced range of motion are two common complications of a total reverse shoulder arthroplasty. In this work, a new approach is proposed to estimate how the glenoid component positioning can influence the stability and the range of motion of a reverse shoulder prosthesis. Materials and methods: A standard reverse shoulder prosthesis has been analysed. To perform virtual simulation of the shoulder-prosthesis assembly, all the components of the prosthesis have been acquired via a 3D laser scanner and the solid models of the shoulder bones have been reconstructed through CT images. Loads on the shoulder joint have been estimated using anatomical models database. A new virtual/numerical procedure has been implemented using a 3D parametric modelling software to find the optimal position of the glenosphere. Results: Several analyses have been performed using different configurations obtained by changing the glenoid component tilt and the lateral position of the glenosphere, modified through the insertion of a cylindrical spacer. For the analysed case study, it was found that the interposition of a spacer (between the baseplate and the glenoid) and 15° inferior tilt of the glenosphere allow improving the range of motion and the stability of the shoulder. Conclusions: Some common complications of the reverse shoulder arthroplasty could be effectively reduced by a suitable positioning of the prosthesis components. In this work, using a new method based on virtual simulations, the influence of the glenosphere positioning has been investigated. An optimal configuration for the analysed case study has been found. The proposed approach could be used to find, with no in vivo experiments, the optimal position of a reverse shoulder prosthesis depending on the different dimensions and shape of the bones of each patient.
Keywords: CAD modelling & simulation | Digital shape acquisition | Instability ratio | Reverse shoulders prosthesis | ROM
Abstract: Purpose: Massive rotator cuff tears are common in the aging population. The incidence of failed rotator cuff repairs is still quite high, especially in the treatment of full-thickness tears or revision repairs. In this context, natural and synthetic meshes can be used as augmentation scaffolds or as devices to close the gap between a retracted tendon and the bone. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the ultimate tensile strength of different tendon-patch joints in order to consider their use in the treatment of massive cuff tears. Materials and methods: Porcine tendons and a synthetic low-density polypropylene mesh have been used. A preliminary study on the tensile strength of tendons and patches has been performed. Different patch-tendon joints have been studied by modifying the number and the layout of the sutures. For every joint, the tensile test, performed through an electromechanical machine, has been repeated at least twice to obtain reliable data. Results: Experimental tensile tests on tendons and patches have given good results with very low dispersion data. Mean values of the calculated ultimate tensile stresses are, respectively, about 34 MPa and 16 MPa for tendons and patches. As regards the sutures arrangement, the staggered layout gave, for all joints, a higher tensile strength than the regular (aligned) one. Different ultimate tensile stress values, depending on the sutures number and layout, have been calculated for the joints. Conclusion: Synthetic patches could be an interesting option to repair massive cuff tears and to improve, in a significant way, pain, range of motion and strength at time 0, so reducing the rehabilitation time. Obtained results demonstrated that joints with a suitable number and layout of sutures could ensure very good mechanical performances. The failure load of the tendon-patch joint, in fact, is higher than the working load on a healthy tendon.
Keywords: Experimental test | Reverse engineering | Rotator cuff tear | Synthetic patch | Tensile strength
Abstract: Orthoses are additional devices that help people with disabilities. The focus of this work is the design and manufacture of a new customized elbow orthosis completely made by Additive Manufacturing (AM). One of the innovative characteristic of the device is the use of torsion springs that simulate the action of physiotherapists during exercises for patient rehabilitation. Parametric modeling approach based on generative algorithms was used to design the device. Finally, FEM analyses have been performed to validate the design.
Keywords: 3D acquisition | Additive manufacturing | Computer aided engineering
Abstract: Despite the widespread use of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty, the fundamental effects of implant configuration on certain biomechanical outcomes have not been completely elucidated especially for the most innovative prostheses. Aim of this work is to investigate the behaviour of a new reverse shoulder prosthesis, characterized by a humeral tray with a variable offset, designed to increase the range of motion and to reduce the impingement. The purposes of this study were to evaluate the effect of reverse shoulder implant design parameters on the deltoid muscle forces, required to produce abduction, and on the shoulder range of motion, in order to provide a more systematic understanding of the fundamental effects of humeral component positioning on the implant performances. The study has been implemented using virtual prototypes of the shoulder-prosthesis assembly. The shape of the prosthesis has been digitally acquired via a 3D scanner and the CAD models of all the components have been created. Through CT images, 3-dimensional models of the shoulder bones have been reconstructed and assembled with the prosthesis components. Numerical FEM models have been set up in order to evaluate how the abduction force changes depending on the humeral tray offset. Using the virtual prototypes of the shoulder-prosthesis assembly, a range of motion analysis has been carried out by setting up a collision detection analysis in a 3D parametric modeling environment. Different humeral tray positions were investigated and four different motions of the arm were simulated. Obtained results have demonstrated that a suitable positioning of the humeral tray can offer significant biomechanical advantages in terms of range of motion and abduction force.
Keywords: CAD | FEM | Reverse engineering | Reverse shoulder prosthesis | Virtual prototyping
Abstract: In this study, a comparison between two different approaches used to study a total knee prosthesis is presented. In particular, the contact area of the components of knee prosthesis has been evaluated using both a numerical and an experimental approach. The numerical analysis has been performed by FEM Models, whereas the experimental study has been conducted using an ultrasonic-based method. To setup the FEM simulations, CAD Models of the components of the prosthesis have been reconstructed using a classic reverse engineering approach. Obtained results has allowed evaluating the contact area of the components of the prosthesis and demonstrated a very good level of correlation between numerical and experimental data.
Keywords: CAD Model | Contact area | FEM | Knee prosthesis | Reverse engineering analysis | Ultrasonic methods
Abstract: Additive manufacturing is a rapidly expanding technology. It allows the creation of very complex 3D objects by adding layers of material, in spite of the traditional production systems based on the removal of material. The development of additive technology has produced initially a generation of additive manufacturing techniques restricted to industrial applications, but their extraordinary degree of innovation has allowed the spreading of household systems. Nowadays, the most common domestic systems produce 3D parts through a fused deposition modeling process. Such systems have low productivity and make, usually, objects with no high accuracy and with unreliable mechanical properties. These side effects can depend on the process parameters. Aim of this work is to study the influence of some typical parameters of the additive manufacturing process on the prototypes characteristics. In particular, it has been studied the influence of the layer thickness on the shape and dimensional accuracy. Cylindrical specimens have been created with a 3D printer, the Da Vinci 1.0A by XYZprinting, using ABS filaments. Dimensional and shape inspection of the printed components has been performed following a typical reverse engineering approach. In particular, the point clouds of the surfaces of the different specimens have been acquired through a 3D laser scanner. After, the acquired point clouds have been post-processed, converted into 3D models and analysed to detect any shape or dimensional difference from the initial CAD models. The obtained results may constitute a useful guideline to choose the best set of the process parameters to obtain printed components of good quality in a reasonable time and minimizing the waste of material.
Keywords: 3D printing | Additive manufacturing | Process parameters | Reverse engineering
Abstract: Aim of this work is to investigate the behaviour of a new reverse shoulder prosthesis, characterized by a humeral metaphysis with a variable offset, designed to increase the range of movements and to reduce the impingement. In particular, by means of virtual prototypes of the prosthesis, different offset values of the humeral metaphysis have been analysed in order to find the best positioning able to maximize the range of movements of the shoulder joint. The abduction force of the deltoid, at different offset values, has been also estimated. The study has been organized as follows. In the first step, the point clouds of the surfaces of the different components of the prosthesis have been acquired by a 3D scanner. This kind of scanner allows to convert camera images into three-dimensional models by analysing the moiré fringes. In the second step, the acquired point clouds have been post-processed and converted into CAD models. In the third step, all the 3D reconstructed models have been imported and assembled through a CAD system. After, a collision analysis has been performed to detect the maximum angular positions of the arm at different metaphysis offset values. In the last step, FEM models of shoulder joint with the new prosthesis have been created. Different analyses have been performed to estimate how the deltoid abduction force varies depending on the offset of the humeral tray. The study allowed to understand how the offset of the metaphysis affects the performances of the shoulder. The obtained results can be effectively used to give surgeons useful guidelines for the installation of these kinds of implants.
Keywords: CAD | Range of movements | Reverse engineering | Reverse shoulder prosthesis
Abstract: During the braking phase, the heat produced by friction between pads and disc cannot be entirely dissipated. Consequently, the brake disc, especially if very hard braking occur, can accumulate large amounts of heat in a short time so producing high gradients of temperature on it. Under these conditions, functionality and safety of the brake system can be compromised. The object of this study is to investigate, under extreme working conditions, the thermomechanical behaviour of different brake rotors in order to evaluate their efficiency and stability and to identify any compromising weakness on them. In particular, by means of FEM thermo-mechanical coupled analyses, one full disc and three ventilated rotors with different shapes have been studied. A very hard (fading) test has been used to evaluate the performances of the discs in terms of temperature distribution, stresses and strains. Obtained results demonstrate that the analysed ventilated discs, unlike the full rotor, can be effectively used in very hard working conditions, always ensuring high safety levels. Among the studied rotors, the curved-vanes disc was found to be the best solution.
Keywords: Brake rotor | Fade | FEM | Thermomechanical analysis | Ventilated disc
Abstract: Aim of this work is to compare two different total knee prostheses that differ mainly in the shape of the polyethylene (PE) component inserted between the femoral and tibial plates. The best solution between them has been originally reshaped in order to reduce stress peaks. The study procedure has been divided into the following steps. First step is the digitalisation of the shape of the prostheses by means of a 3D laser scanner. The morphology of two prototypes of the prostheses has been acquired by elaborating multiple Moirè fringe patterns projected on their surfaces. Second step consisted on the manipulation of these data in a CAD module, that is the interpolation of raw data into NURBS surfaces, reducing singularities due to the typical scattering of the acquiring system. Third step has been the setting up of FEM simulations to evaluate the prostheses behaviour under benchmark loading conditions given in literature. The CAD model of the prostheses has been meshed into solid finite elements. Different flexion angles configurations have been analysed, the load being applied along the femoral axis. FEM analyses have returned stress fields in the PE insert and, in particular, in the stabilizing cam which function is to avoid dislocation. Last step has been the integrated use of CAD and FEM to modify the shape of the stabilizing cam of the best prosthesis, in order to reduce the stress peaks in the original prosthesis without affecting kinematics of the joint. Good results have been obtained both in terms of stress and contact pressure peaks reduction. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
Keywords: Contact analysis | FEM simulation | Total knee replacement